I am starting a blog. I paid hard-earned cash to web designers to write blogs for my website that would contain the key words that would bring you to my website, but those blogs were all baloney and had nothing to do with who I am or what my art is about. Its time to get real.

I want to show you my latest pet portrait and how it was done. It was commissioned by Kevin, a holistic massage therapist from Georgia, who has a young friend whose cat, Pearl, died suddenly. They don’t know why Pearl died, but she is greatly missed. Kevin saw my ad in a trade magazine and contacted me to do a painting of Pearl to give to his young friend. He sent me several photos to work from. Of these five photos, the one that spoke the loudest to me was # 1– Pearl stretched out on the bed on top of the homework— but it was her giant front patti-paws that captured my sense of Pearl. With her eyes closed in that photo, I didn’t want there to be any question of her state of consciousness, so I referred to her beautiful face in photos 3 + 4 to open her eyes. Then, to make sure she was in her familiar surroundings, I painted the bedspread and the notebook from photo 2.

When I sent Kevin a digital copy, he said he loved it. I hope his young friend will too, but I haven’t heard back because I just shipped it today! Scroll down to see the finished “Pearl.”

P.S. I hope to send out these blogs fairly regularly. If you don’t want to keep receiving them, please reply with STOP in the subject line! And if you do want to keep receiving them, and care to comment, it would be wonderful to hear from you!